Bank Setups in Oracle Apps R12

Bank Setups in Oracle Apps R12

Bank Setups:​​ We define bank information in cash management application.​​ 


Provide all the required details like bank name, country, bank number and tax registration number etc..

Define bank address and bank contact in the same screen.


Bank Branch:

After successful creation of the bank, we will have provision to create a bank branch for bank.


We have to provide the bank brank information like country, bank name, branch name and branch type.

Similar​​ way creates​​ a bank branch​​ address and bank branch contact information in the same screen.​​ 


Bank Account:

We will define a bank account here actual transaction takes place. We will make the payments to our bank account and some times we receive the amount from customers to account based on the setups we define in the system.

Provide details like Bank name, Bank Branch Name and Country.

Account owner and Use information:​​ 

In which legal entity we can use this bank account and what is the account type usage like​​ send payments to supplier and receive money from the customers.


Account Information:

Here we give the account name, account​​ number​​ and​​ currency in which you operate the transactions.

If you define a multiple currency bank account, you should use manual payment reconciliation with it. Payables stores the payment currency you enter when you initiate a Payment Batch, enter a manual payment​​ or create a Quick payment.​​ 

The bank file details you receive from a bank will contain the bank account currency. Since the payment and bank account currencies could differ when you use a multiple currency​​ bank account, automatic reconciliation could result in numerous exceptions.
If you define a multiple currency bank account for payments, the currency of the bank account must be the same as your functional currency.


Account Controls:

Here we define all the account/code combination segments information related to the bank account.

We can define cash management controls like rounding factor, minimum target balance and maximum target balance etc.

Payables controls​​ like multiple currency payments,​​ allow zero payments​​ and maximum outpay etc.

Reconciliation Controls​​ like Payables matching order1​​ (Transaction), Payables matching​​ order2 (Batch), float handling and receivables matching order​​ (Transaction).

Open interface controls​​ like use reconciliation open interfaces, float status and open interface matching​​ criteria (Transaction number).

Auto reconciliation tolerances​​ like tolerance​​ amount (for payments), tolerance​​ percentage (for payments),​​ tolerance amount​​ (for cash flows), tolerance percentage​​ (for cash flows),​​ tolerance amount​​ (for open interface)​​ and tolerance​​ percentage​​ (for open interface).​​ 


Account Access and Account Contact:

In account access we attach an​​ account to operating unit along usable applications.

In account contact we define contact person name, email and other details.




Bank Table Details:

select​​ *​​ from​​ CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS;

select​​ *​​ from​​ CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_ALL;​​ 


select​​ *​​ from​​ CEFV_BANK_BRANCHES;

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