OTL Table Information
Time card info will be stored in HXC_TIMECARD_BUILDING_BLOCKS in hierarchical way. We have to join some other tables to receive the additional information.
We will try to identify the backed end tables and columns when we perform below actions with the timecard.
Create a Timecard
Submit Timecard
Reject Timecard
Re-submit Timecard
Transfer to Project
Create a Timecard:
Login to the Timecard page and select the corresponding time period.
If we have any predefined template, select under the template options and enter/select the project details.
After entering date and time, click on save button and now we see what tables are getting affected.
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks -- Get the time_building_block_id
AND resource_id = 1234
Pass the resource id (1234) and we can pass the start time and stop time which is nothing but the period week start and end date.
Note: Approval_status column will be populated as Working and PARENT_BUILDING_BLOCK_ID column will be null, then we know its start of the hierarchical structure.
We look at the timecard page or time screen we are entering the hours based on the Day level so we could see day level details in the table. We have 7 days per a week, so we can see 7 days in HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS table.
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks -- Get the time_building_block_id
If we look at the above screenshot and we can observe the SCOPE as a DAY, START_TIME as entire week days from Mon to Sun 7 days and PARENT_BUILDING_BLOCK_ID from the 1st SQL statement.
Note: If we observe the MEASURE is NULL for all the days, we can find our entered hours in MEASURE column.
We have entered 8 hours for each day from Mon to Fri and Sat (19 Jan), Sun (20 Jan) we have not entered anything.
By using below SQL query we can get the time entry details
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks
WHERE scope = 'DETAIL'
AND resource_id = 1234
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks h1, hxc_time_building_blocks h2
AND h1.scope = 'DAY'
-- Details/Time Entry Hours
AND h1.time_building_block_id = h2.parent_building_block_id
AND h2.scope = 'DETAIL';
Here if we notice we have entered hours only for 5 days and not 7 days, so we could see the records count from above screenshot is 5.
Now we need to get the project details for the corresponding week/time period week.
In order to get those details we have to use the HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_USAGES and HXC_TIME_ATTRIBUTES tables.
Before this we should know the attributes that we are using to store the attribute details.
select tms.approval_status as status,
TO_CHAR (tm1.start_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY ') period_starts,
TO_CHAR (tm2.stop_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY ') period_ends,
tm1.time_building_block_id timecard_id,
NULL user_name,
papf.employee_number employee_number,
tma.attribute1 project_number,
tma.attribute2 task_number,
tma.attribute3 expensiture_type,
tm3.measure hours,
sup.first_name sup_first_name,
sup.last_name sup_last_name,
sup.middle_names sup_middle_name,
sup.full_name sup_full_name
from hxc_time_building_blocks tm1,
hxc_time_building_blocks tm2,
hxc_time_building_blocks tm3,
hxc_time_attribute_usages tmau,
hxc_time_attributes tma,
per_all_people_f papf,
per_all_assignments_f paaf,
per_all_people_f sup,
hxc_timecard_summary tms
where 1 = 1
-- tm1
and tm1.resource_id = 1234 -- Pass the user id
and tm1.scope = 'TIMECARD'
and tm1.date_to >= SYSDATE
and tm1.time_building_block_id = 123456 -- Provide the timecard_id
-- tm2
and tm1.time_building_block_id = tm2.parent_building_block_id
and tm2.scope = 'DAY'
-- tm3
and tm2.time_building_block_id = tm3.parent_building_block_id
and tm3.scope = 'DETAIL'
-- tmau
and tm3.time_building_block_id = tmau.time_building_block_id
-- tma
and tmau.time_attribute_id = tma.time_attribute_id
and tma.attribute_category = 'PROJECTS'
-- papf, paaf, sup
and tm1.resource_id = papf.person_id
and sysdate between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
and papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
and sysdate between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
and paaf.supervisor_id = sup.person_id
and sysdate between sup.effective_start_date and sup.effective_end_date
-- tms
and tm1.time_building_block_id = tms.timecard_id;
This final SQL query when we club all the hierarchical building blocks tables.
Submit Timecard:
Click on submit button to submit the timecard.
FROM hxc_timecard_summary
WHERE timecard_id = 123456;
If we check the hxc_time_building_blocks table we could notice multiple records for same date, the reason is first we saved the timecard and now we submitted the timecard. So we could see same records but different status and versions.
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks
When we submit the timecard, if we have defined the approval flow the timecard will route to approver.
We do have an auto approver option also.
In this case we have defined our workflow approval process as based on the employee supervisor hierarchy.
We can check those steps based on the below navigations.
Reject and Re-Submit Timecard:
What happens if approver rejects the timecard and what tables will be get updated.
Timecard submitter will receive a notification with rejection comments.
Go to the recent timecard page and select the rejected timecard and click edit.
Change the hours/project based on the comments and click on submits.
You can check the same way as step 1 and 2 to check flow of the in HXC_TIME_BUILDING_BLOCKS table for a Day and Detail scope.
We can check the status in HXC_TIMECARD_SUMMARY table also.
Transferred to Projects:
Here once the timecard is approved then we have to move it to projects.
To move it to the projects we have to run PRC: Transaction Import.
This process moves only approved timecards to the Projects.
We can check the timecard status from recent timecard screen.
We can check in the system, is the timecard moved to projects or not. Go to recent timecards and see the status.
We can use above API to check the timecard status.
Retrieval setups, we can define what type of timecards should be imported to the Projects when we run PRC: Transaction Import concurrent program.
Here we defined as only approved timecards should be imported to the Projects.